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Setting the Mood: The Making of YT Sewing Playlists

Ruthmarie Tenorio

Updated: Feb 3

For years, I have subscribed to YT channels focused on curating ambient music playlists combined with beautiful scenic imagery to help me focus at work or while sewing, but I never found one with a scene of a sewing room. I decided to correct that.

Pictured Above: Six sewing rooms generated by three different AI sites. At first glance, they look great, but when you zoom in, you notice many objects don't make sense.
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Ambient Worlds, LoFi Girl, and Nemos Dreamscapes are among the many channels I follow on YT that provide steady background music with stylized aesthetic settings to match. Some of my favorite videos included sound effects to match the room, such as bubbles coming from a cauldron, or if the setting were a library, you would hear the sounds of pages turning. These digital spaces help me focus and sometimes function as an unofficial timer for whatever task is at hand. Half the time, the task at hand is sewing, and I could not find a video set in a whimsical sewing room or any sewing room of any type. That's when I had a "lightbulb" moment. As a set designer/YouTuber-in-the-making, I could design sewing rooms with different aesthetics and music to match!

"I hope to design and render the sewing rooms of my dreams."

A quick background: I have been a set designer for 17+ years and can render 3D rooms. The problem is that my computer is outdated and unable to render the dream rooms I want. Furthermore, the industry I work in is now requesting that set designers know how to design with the help of AI and figure out how to incorporate it into their workflow. I saw an opportunity. I will learn how to use AI generators by asking them to create the sewing rooms I need for these videos. It's a project of sorts. I hope to design and render the sewing rooms of my dreams, but for now, I will have some fun with AI.

I won't go into depth on how that went, but if anyone has tried these AI image generators, you will know they have much to learn. 100% of the images generated had something weird going on. From sewing machines made of parts from three different eras to unrecognizable objects, no matter what sewing room I chose to use as my background, I would have to fix it with the help of Photoshop. All in all, these rooms took about two days to generate and edit. The music took about a day to curate, and the video took about a day to assemble.

I learned a lot about AI and YT editing these past two weeks. It's given me the confidence to move forward with consistent content creation and inspired me to make these work rooms a monthly post—one themed sewing room per month, inspired by the time of year. For now, check out the first two I created, and let me know what you would like to see and listen to for the next one!

Click on the images below to redirect you to the playlists.

Featuring light, whimsical, and cheerful music.
Featuring light, whimsical, and cheerful music.

Featuring upbeat and steady LoFi music.
Featuring upbeat and steady LoFi music.

Happy listening!

XOXO Ruthmarie


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