For years I've used Instagram as a platform for posting my creative projects. It's where I shared my process with the public. But once IG decided it was no longer a photo platform, my process photos along with my lengthy captions talking about my projects were no longer reaching the community of makers I interacted with so much before. Hence the birth of this blog.

Welcome to the Vintage Raven blog! Here my projects can live without the fear of being deleted or hacked (so easily). Here I can write lengthy posts about my process with each project. Here I can teach and answer questions. Here you can pin any project you would like to revisit. And hopefully, you will get a better glimpse of my world, where it is not cluttered by the noise of reels and ads.
It has taken me some time to get into the right headspace to create this blog. I am a perfectionist and I didn't want to launch a site that felt unfinished. I am also a horrible writer. I keep reminding myself that I never intend to be a great writer, I intend to share my creative process and useful information. So if you plan to follow along, expect bad grammar and misspelled words. (I will try my best and I do plan to use Grammarly when I remember)
What to expect from this blog
Expect a bit of everything. I have a background in scenic design, costume design, graphic design, interior design, sewing, stage makeup, SFX makeup, prop construction, scenic art, and ecological restoration. It's safe to say I am a very hands-on person and love to make shit. Most importantly, I love attaining new skills. Once I learn a new skill I tend to look for another skill to learn. Once I have mastered a skill, I like to teach others.
For the first year, you can expect posts on minimalism & organization, sewing, vintage styling, and my favorite, Halloween content.
I can guarantee that most of my posts will be Fall or Halloween-related. Consider me a Christine McConnell and Pinup Palmer love child. I love Halloween and once summer starts, my fall projects begin, because as much as I love Halloween, I don't like making things during October. I rather work on Halloween projects during the summer so I can enjoy the festivities all month long. You will find me on the couch on October 31st watching scary movies and distributing candy because by then, I've had my glorious fill of Halloween fun and the 31st is reserved for the kiddos.

So that's it for now! I am super excited to dive into all kinds of projects. I feel like this site will allow me to reach out to a larger community of makers and remove the pressure of "gaining followers". It will be my little slice of creative paradise.
Lots and lots of love - Ruthmarie <3